Monday, July 13, 2009

The Truth...

I now firmly believe that this is an axiomatic truth:

The amount and intensity of rain is directly proportionate to the number of clothes you have washed.

(The correlation works even better if you have woollens to be dried.)

[ Nevertheless it’s fun to have the rains here... jamke barso :) ]


Finally and after a fairly long and painful wait lady-luck yielded and blessed my abode with wondrous drops from the sky. It’s hard to express the joy and that strange euphoric feeling when the sky was suddenly taken over by visitors from the land of rain. And unlike some of the previous occasions when to my utter dismay the visits were woefully short and ended without a chance of even the initial pleasantries, this time we had a long and wonderful conversation.

There is a strange beauty in rains after a long and seemingly endless summer. The dark skies, the fierce wind, the roar of the furious clouds, the lightning flashes across the length and breadth of a cowering sky...and finally with a sublime suddenness the sweet downpour. The trees getting drenched and swaying in the wind ...maybe there’s a song on their lips... tiny puddles on the ground growing bolder with each little drop...little streams flowing along happily with often a dry leaf hitching a merry ride on it...

And nothing can match the joy of sipping a hot cup of tea (with a hint of ginger of course...) and nice little onion pakodas while chatting to a group of friends or reading your favourite novel sitting in the verandah listening to the sweet song of the drizzle outside. Again nothing can be as soothing as the sound of raindrops on your terrace and on the window-panes when you are going to sleep...cosily wrapped up in your favourite quilt.

Ummm... I think I can smell the tea and the pakodas... bon appétit...